Data Protection Accelerators

With newly minted Data Protection standards like GDPR and CCPA, it’s vital to get your organisation compliant before they start to be actively enforced. These standards have set the precedent, and we will be seeing rollouts of similar requirements in most countries across the globe. Our Accelerators provide a vital and streamlined Framework for your business to use to meet your Data Protection obligations.

Get the most from the data you have, and make sure it stays secure. NovoFinity ensures that you’re able to operate optimally and that you are bulletproof.

Regulatory intervention

Companies who fail to comply with the GDPR risk suffering significant financial repercussions for not complying. The challenge is that GDPR compliance is that it can vague and difficult to interpret. We’re here to help.

The California Attorney General’s Office has started enforcing the CCPA, with the majority of its measures live by 2023. It may well impact your business, so you need to take the necessary steps. Our Data Protection Frameworks will get you compliant.

How NovoFinity helps

As Data Protection standards are adopted and additional regulations rolled out, NovoFinity will help keep you on track and compliant with new standards and adjustments to existing standards.

Audit & roadmap

A Data Protection audit helps us determine whether or not a company is in compliance with data protection requirements, identifies data protection risks, and makes suggestions for improvements along with a clear path to stay ahead of any new requirements.

Practical steps

It’s one thing to have an understanding of what needs to be done, but how do you do what’s required? Our Data Protection Accelerators provide clear, easily navigable steps to rapidly achieve compliance, and understand exposure within your organisation.

Evolve to stay ahead

New Data Protection standards are being introduced, and existing regulations are evolving. Our Data Protection Frameworks provide a continual baseline process to which your business can return, with continued pulse-checks built into the process.

Data Protection FAQs