Welcome to the NovoFinity Data Strategy Self-Assessment.
Any organisation who wants to invest in data or data related initiatives, the journey must start with a data strategy that is aligned to the organisation's overall business strategy.Â
Without a data strategy that is aligned to the business strategy, it happens that clients invest millions of dollars in projects that ultimately get cancelled, and a similar project with similar goals started a few months later under a new name.
We recommend that no data initiative should be considered until after a strategy has been completed, to ensure that each component of the investment aligns with that strategy.
This is an abridged self-assessment based on NovoFinity's comprehensive data management maturity assessment. The result from this self-assessment could provide guidance on next steps.
Please enter your name and email address to get a copy of the questions and your answers.
Do you have an enterprise information strategy covering the entire information lifecycle; from creation to destruction?
Do you have a published plan and roadmap to achieve your information strategy that includes organisation support, process and technology?
Is your information strategy aligned to your business strategy?
Are Executive decisions based on data rather than intuition?
Are good data practices recognised and rewarded?
Do you have an executive or board level member responsible for data/information management (e.g. Chief Data Officer) reporting to the CEO?